To all my teachers and ustaz's, i wish you all a 'Happy Teacher's Day'..!!
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala bless you all with the best of Iman, health, wealth and give you your due rewards both here on Earth and in the Hereafter...
Ameeen ya Robb..
Teachers play a very important part in our life's. Without teachers, knowledge won't be what it is today. Those who teach us the good, bad and the ugly a very important role in molding us to be who and what we are or become..
The choice to learn anything is ours..
So choose well...
The very first record we have of a teacher is in the Holy Qur'an where the Supreme Teacher of the entire Universe, Allah the Almighty, taught Our father, the Prophet Adam Alaihis Salam, all that he needed to know, in Jannatul Firdaus, the highest Paradise..
This is before the rest of the humankind came to exist..
So, none can lay claim to beat this record...
When the Archangel Jibreel Alaihis Salam appeared before the Lasr Messenger of God, the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW, he came in the form of a glowing shining light and uttered "I'qra!" meaning "Read!"
The very first word and revelation of the Holy Qur'an, God's Last Testament and Complete Guidance for all mankind is to "Read!".
Only by reading anything can anyone gain knowledge.. To be able to read is to have learned how to read and one needs a teacher to learn how to do just that??
Hence, the important of us honoring our teachers, no matter who they are and how they come to be..
First and foremost, naturally we worship Allah SWT, then we love our Rasulullah SAW...
In Islamic traditions, we are to honor our mother first, then our father, then our teachers...
Loghat omputih plak ana ni ek....
Saja nak buat KAIZEN bak kata NING..
*Kaizen = continuous improvement = perubahan yang berterusan
Ana nak ucap ribuan terima kasih kepada sang pendidik...ustaz, ustazah, murabbi, mualim, cikgu serta mereka2 yang banyak mencurahkan ilmu pengetahuan kepada ana..
Tanpa cikgu-cikgu semua, tentu ana masih teraba-raba dalam mencari jalan di dunia ini tanpa mendapat suluhan daripada cikgu-cikgu sekalian...^^
Syukran coz sabar, tulus, ikhlas serta kasih sayang dalam mendidik ana selama ini sampai menjadi manusia..^^
Murabbi & Murabbiyah ana yg pertama & selamanya..
Khas buat Ummi & Abi sebagai Murabbi Murabbiyah yg pertama & selamanya, Terima kasih atas pengorbanan yang telah dicurah kepada anak mu ini... Terima kasih atas nasihat-nasihat ummi & abi yang tak jemu-jemu selama ni...^^
Buat cikgu-cikgu di Tadika Atas Tol yang memberi kenal ABC...
Buat cikgu-cikgu Sekolah rendah Atas Tol...
Masih ingat lagi masa darjah satu guru kelas cikgu Rosni...
Masa darjah dua plak cikgu Anuar...
Masa darjah tiga cikgu Syed Abdillah..
Darjah empat teacher Wong...
Darjah Lima Syed Abdillah..
Darjah enam cikgu Shamsiah...
Terima Kaish atas penat lelah mendidik diri ini...
Buat cikgu-cikgu Sekolah Menegah Sultan Mansor...
serta cikgu-cikgu di Sekolah Tengku Bariah...
Tak lupa jugak kepada pensyarah2 kat Universiti Utara Malaysia Sintok...
Dan seluruh guru-guru yang selalu mendorongkan diri ini ke arah membina jati diri dan matlamat hidup yang sangat singkat ini...
Kalian adalah lilin yang membakar diri....
Sayang cikgu-cikgu semua...
..::nota tangan::..
camat ari cikgu jugak buat mama papa iman & sofia...
Ibu Adam Harith jugak..camat hari cikgu..
untuk diri sendiri jugak serta kekanda tersayang...^^
by~shha aina